- Intro-video and paragraph
- · For the intro-video and paragraph we were all instructed to video ourselves for 30 seconds and give a short story of ourselves. I talked about my family, hometown, and now where I am at in college. After we uploaded the video to our blog we wrote a short story about ourselves. This was a great exercise to use to get to know each other or to get to know the teacher. It also shows you how to upload videos and use technology a little more.
- · The standard under NETS that goes best with this project is 3c. This standard is under model digital-age work and learning, and it states that it communicates relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.
- · The intro-video and paragraph is something I would use in my class for an ice breaker. I could use this when introducing myself to my class as well. This project is not something that I feel would help with learning though.
2. Ghostery
- · Ghostery was a program we downloaded so that we could see who was tracking certain websites on our computer. I found that facebook had several more trackers than twitter or pinterest. One thing that did stick out to me was that I even had some trackers when I got on google.
- · The standard that I think best fits with ghostery is 4a. This standard is used to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. The specific standard states that it is used to advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.
- · I probably would not use this in my classroom for my kids but I would use it for my own personal computer or for my computers at school that I use.
3. Facebook
- · For this exercise, we had to take a screen shot of our facebook page and upload it to blogger. After we did that we then had to answer the questions: What is this person known for? What does this person value? Is this person interested in the growth of other people? This is definitely a good exercise to use to see how creative students are and to see how they are presenting themselves to others.
- · The standard under NETS that fits best for facebook would be 1c. This standard says that it is for facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity. The specific standard is used to promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.
- · I actually do think I would use this in my classroom, especially if I was teaching high school students. I feel like this is a good way for students to evaluate themselves.
4. Concept Map
- · The concept map is definitely something that made me think. We chose a topic which mine was the American Government. I had to research all of my subtopics of American Government and everything that they consist of. I liked this project a lot because I actually learned stuff about American Government and then got to use my own creativity when presenting it to the class.
- · The NETS standard that goes best with my concept map is 2a. This standard is for designing or adapting relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
- · I would definitely use this in my classroom one day. This was very helpful to me and helped me to learn a lot about my subject. It allowed me to be creative which I think students would love.
- · Voki was one of the creative projects we did. We created a whole animated talk show. I used a pumpkin, dressed it up, and changed its voice. I typed what I wanted my pumpkin to say which was about the kind of President I would want at USM. This project was very creative and a good tool to use for students.
- · The standard that I think fits best with voki is 2c. This standard is used for customizing and personalizing learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.
- · This is definitely something I will use in my classroom, especially since I want to teach kindergarteners. I think they will enjoy seeing an animated face talk rather than their teacher over again. It is a good tool to use to keep them interested.
- · We were all asked to form a webpage as if we were teachers. This was really cool to me because it is something I will use in the future. We had a homepage, a calendar, course materials, and an about me page. This is something that I could see myself using in the classroom.
- · The NETS standard that best fits the webpage is 3c. This standard is used to communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.
- · The webpage is something that I will use as a teacher. I do not think I would use this for my students in the classroom. I will definitely set up a personal webpage for myself for my kids and parents to look at.
- · Xtranormal was my favorite project in this class. It definitely showed my creativity and I could do anything I wanted to. For this project we were told to teach a life rule. I taught kids how to cross the street. This program allows you to decide the different camera views, chose the people in the video, and animates all of their movements.
- · The standard that I feel goes best along with xtranormal is 4a. This one is to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. It says that I can use this to teach safe learning rules through digital information.
- · This is definitely something that I would use in my classroom. I plan on teaching kindergarten so I could present any new learning lesson with this tool. I feel that it is creative and it would keep the kids interested when I am presenting a new topic.
- · Movie maker was a program on our computer that allowed us to choose our own pictures and our own song and develop a movie out of it. I picked ten of my favorite pictures of my family, friends, and sorority and then animated them like a power point. After all of that I added in my favorite song so that it was more like a move.
- · The movie maker program would be under 1c in the NETS standards. This standard is used to promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative process.
- · I think I would use this in my classroom for a fun end of the year project. I feel that it is something my students could use to reflect on their past year and also learn more about technology.
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